Hello Fairy friends and welcome to Buttercup Beds. Here you will find everything you need to rest and relax from your long travels as you continue to your next destination. Mitzy and I, Blossom, enjoy accommodating our guests by providing great meals such as Nutmeg Pie and fresh Berry Smoothies. You can also sip on our famous Dogwood Nectar Tea as you play with our pet ladybugs. They really enjoy playing Hide and Seek and Follow the Leader. Just beware that they always win. Personally, our favorite pastime is playing Mushroom Hop Scotch. We cannot use our wings so it is a great exercise as it literally keeps us on our toes.
As the official Butterfly Migrator Fairies we have to travel a lot over long distances. This can be very exhausting at times and we noticed that there were not many places for us to rest during our butterfly season. Therefore, we decided to help our fellow fairies by providing a rest home during our off-season.
We hope you will stay as long as you need, as we both greatly enjoy your company. When you must be on your way, we will send you off with needed supplies, goodies and our well wishes towards your next destination. We look forward to seeing you again soon.
Mitzy and Blossom Buttercup