
Once upon a time deep in the Enchanted Davey Dogwood Forest where the dogwoods bloomed, there lived a Fairy Village called Windermere. This Fairy Village was unlike any other in all the land. This was because all the fairy’s were ancient and wise. It was known throughout the forest that Windermere fairy’s were kind and … Continue reading “Windermere”

Once upon a time deep in the Enchanted Davey Dogwood Forest where the dogwoods bloomed, there lived a Fairy Village called Windermere. This Fairy Village was unlike any other in all the land. This was because all the fairy’s were ancient and wise. It was known throughout the forest that Windermere fairy’s were kind and trusting to all. In fact, they were so trusting that they accidentally trusted a Greedy, Horrid Giant named Maerceci [pronounced [May-air-suh-kia]. Maerceci was Gargantuan & green. He wasn’t always that way thou. Maerceci was once a nice fairy, but he disobeyed the rules of his village. As punishment for disobeying the rules, the headmaster of his village cast him out to live among the hills by himself. When Maerceci was cast out of the village, a curse was put on him turning him green. Maerceci wandered the hills of East Texas alone and hungry. The longer he was isolated from civilization, the greedier he became. Meanwhile in the Windermere Fairy Village the fairy’s were living life to the fullest. There were activities every day for the fairy’s, so they never got bored. The fairy’s loved playing bingo. Windermere fairy’s were not all about fun thou. The fairy’s were very active by going to exercise every day with their mysticial blue-haired Activity Director Charla. Charla loved all the fairy’s very much, including Peaches. Peaches was Fairy-Rosie’s pet poodle. One day while Fairy-Rosie was out walking Peaches for her daily walk, Peaches started growling. It worried all the fairy’s so much that the head fairy Gregory called a special meeting to discuss why Peaches would growl every time she was walked outside the village. It was decided by Fairy Gregory that it might not be safe outside the walls of Windermere. No one knew that Peaches could smell Maerceci every time she went outside. For Maerceci was hiding in the hills behind Windermere. One Friday afternoon Fairy Gregory decided to take a trip to Crockett, a neighboring village. Before he left he instructed all the fairy’s to stay indoors for the weekend while he was gone. Now here is where the problem began. Fairy-Woody was not at the meeting when Fairy-Gregory ordered the fairy’s to stay inside. So Fairy-Woody went outside to play with his friend, Fairy-Danny. While they were outside playing, Maerceci decided to come down out of the hills and befriend Fairy-Woody and Fairy-Danny. Fairy-Danny was so excited to have a new friend to play tag with that he accidentally told Maerceci the door code of Windermere. That night while all the fairy’s of Windermere were snuggled all safe in their beds Maerceci used the door code and came inside the walls of Windermere. Maerceci roamed the halls all night and learned everything he could about the layout of Windermere. Maerceci liked that Windermere had Fairy-corns and he also liked that there was a pet skunk. While Maerceci was wandering the halls of Windermere he decided he didn’t like living in the hills anymore. He decided that before daylight he would take Fairy-Gregory’s job of being head fairy. So Maerceci went to each room and put spells on all the fairy’s one by one so that when they woke up they would obey Maerceci. Saturday morning when the fairy’s woke up the spell worked and they followed Maerceci’s orders. The entire weekend the fairy’s obeyed Maerceci and the fairy’s never knew a spell had been put on them. The fairy’s did things that weekend that they would never have done if the spell wasn’t on them. For instance, when visitors came into Windermere that weekend, they were allowed in. But when the visitors tried to leave, the fairy’s charged the visitors .25 cents to get out the locked door. Maerceci had lots of fun reeking havoc that weekend with the fairy’s. On Sunday Fairy-Carla had to go to the building to get something out of her desk. As soon as Fairy-Carla walked into the building she knew something wasn’t right. The building was a mess. You see, Maerceci was controlling the fairy’s minds. The fairy’s would read a book and then leave the book in the floor. They would play games and not clean up their mess when the game ended. Fairy-Carla did not like what she saw. Now remember, Windermere fairy’s are wise. Fairy-Carla knew they were under a spell of some sort. For she knew that these fairy’s would never leave books on the floor. Fairy-Carla left the building and immediately called Fairy-Gregory. It was decided that Fairy-Gregory would handle this situation first thing Monday morning. So all weekend the Windermere fairy’s were being controlled by Maerceci. On Monday morning Fairy-Gregory got on his White horse and went to see Wizard Tim. He told Wizard Tim all that Fairy-Carla told him. So Fairy-Gregory on his white horse and Wizard Tim on his black horse went to Windermere. Immediately Wizard Tim knew what was wrong. He knew that the fairy’s were being mind controlled. So Wizard Tim set about walking the halls of Windermere chanting. While he was chanting Fairy-Gregory went and hired a troll-frog to come and be a guard. Once Wizard Tim was done chanting he found Maerceci and put him behind a trap door that led to a basement underground. The troll-frog was to guard the door forever. With Wizard Tim braking the spell, all was right in the world of Windermere. When Queen-Debbie heard of Maerceci and that he was being kept underground behind a large door guarded by a troll-frog she insisted that Maerceci be able to have a pet cat live with him. For Queen-Debbie was a very kind queen with a good heart. She did not want Maerceci to live out his life alone. So Maerceci got a pet cat and all the fairy’s lived happily ever after. And the Troll-Frog had a job that paid him money. The End

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